
Please enjoy the 2023-2024 Young Authors Awards / Prix Jeunes Écrivains e-book!
This incluces awesome work from two of our very own students from Ottawa!

Nominations for the 2024 Unit Awards are closed. Congratulations to this year's winners!

OT Award 2024 -C. Price .pdf

Candice Price

Occasional Teacher Award of Excellent

A Seguin-Member Advocacy - Google Docs.pdf

Anna Seguin

Member Advocacy Award

Servant Leadership N Wall 2024.pdf

Nathalie Wall

Servant Leadership Award

Purpose:  the Ottawa Catholic Teachers Advocacy Award is presented annually to a member of the Ottawa Unit who has prioritized advocacy for teacher colleagues over the course of their career.

Criteria:  the recipient must:

Selection:  the recipient is selected by the Unit Awards committee based upon applications received

2. The Ottawa Catholic Teachers Award for Servant Leadership

Purpose:  the Ottawa Catholic Teachers Award for Servant Leadership is presented annually to a member of the Ottawa Unit who has demonstrated the qualities of servant leadership amongst their teaching colleagues in the course of their career.

Criteria:  the recipient must: 

Selection:  the recipient is selected by the Unit Awards committee based upon applications received.

3. Occasional Teacher Award of Excellence

Purpose:  to recognize the professionalism and commitment to excellence of those candidates who are nominated for the Award.  To recognize the importance of the role of occasional teachers in Education and to celebrate a teacher who exemplifies this.   

Criteria:  the recipient must:

Selection:  the recipient is selected by the Occasional Bargaining Unit Committee based upon applications received.